When you decide it’s time to invest in residential real estate, you want to get the most money out of your investments. In an ever-changing market, it is difficult to say that any particular type of property is a “sure thing”. That being said, we think there is a lot of benefit to investing in multi-family properties, especially in large cities or urban areas. Before we get too deep into this, what is a multi-family …
Las Ventajas de Invertir en Inmuebles Multifamiliares
Cuando decida que ha llegado el momento de invertir en inmuebles residenciales, querrá sacar el máximo provecho de sus inversiones. En un mercado en constante cambio, es difícil decir que cualquier tipo de propiedad en particular sea una “cosa segura”. Dicho esto, creemos que invertir en propiedades multifamiliares tiene muchas ventajas, especialmente en las grandes ciudades o zonas urbanas. Antes de entrar en materia, ¿qué es un inmueble multifamiliar? Un inmueble multifamiliar es cualquier inmueble …
Are AirBNB’s Profitable?
Whether you’ve stayed at a short-term rental such as an Airbnb or are just interested in running one yourself, owning a short-term rental is an excellent way to generate passive income. The short-term rental industry, spearheaded by companies like Airbnb, VRBO, and HomeAway, has been rising around the world since 2008. In just 12 years, Airbnb has grown to a 30 Billion industry. Notably, on December 9, 2020, Airbnb’s initial public offering (IPO) began. On …
¿Son rentables los AirBNB?
Tanto si se ha quedado en un alquiler a corto plazo como un Airbnb como si está interesado en dirigir uno usted mismo, ser propietario de un alquiler a corto plazo es una excelente manera de generar ingresos pasivos. La industria de alquileres a corto plazo, encabezada por compañías como Airbnb, VRBO y HomeAway, ha estado creciendo en todo el mundo desde 2008. En sólo 12 años, Airbnb se ha convertido en una industria de …
South Florida Area Spotlight: The City of Weston
The city of Weston, located in Broward County, Florida, is a master-planned suburban community. It is regarded as one of the best places to reside in Florida, as well as in the US. It is a meticulously maintained city and considered a relatively expensive place to live. With a population of 70,220, Weston is considered as a suburb of Fort Lauderdale. Weston is primarily a charming suburban town, the complete opposite of the beach and …